Friday, July 16, 2010

Indian Swiftlet (Collocalia unicolor)

Indian Swiftlet @ Kudremukh

Indian Swiftlet (Collocalia unicolor) is a tiny blackish brown bird with a slightly forked tail. It is a resident bird of coastal and western ghats especially the west coast strip from Ratnagiri and down south. It is also found throughout Sri Lanka. This bird builds its nest in natural caves and groots in western ghat complex or in rocky islands. Breeding season is from March to June. It builds the nest with its own saliva that has some gastronomic and commercial value.

They fly fast and hard to photograph. The sighting of this bird in Kudremukh was a lifer , it was found along with the Brown backed needle-tails. Only after processing these photos I realized these are not the palm swifts. The day was sunny and bright , so was not able to make out the difference in field.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Whistling Schoolboy

Saturday I confirmed my availability to Dr.Krishi , so we decided to visit Kudremukh on Sunday 11th July 2010.

A beautiful raptor... Rofous-bellied Eagle

Malabar whistling thrushes are extremely shy bird. This is the first time I came across where it was quiet bold.

Malabar whistling thrush #1

Bird activity was poor. We sighted Minivets, heard the call of Malabar squirrel, yellow-browed bulbul and crimson backed sunbird.


We saw few types of caterpillars, good number of Cicada in a tree and Oak-leaf butterfly.

Oak leaf

They are found singing melodiously and not seen them coming out in open. Always a challenge to photograph them so far. This was an exception!

We found one whistler just outside the guest house in Kudremukh town.

Emailing: 2010_07_11_1183-web.jpg

Took few shots, this particular bird was found shy as usual.

We decided to head back to Karkala. Saw one whistler on the road side. Shot this from the car.

Profile of Whistler

And went on top to of pole with his alarm call.

Malabar whistling thrush #2

Within few mins this whistler was comfortable with our presence. Looked like he was happy with our presence and the result you can see in this video. Took all this hand held, so pls excuse the shake.

It was a fruitful trip!

Portrait of whistler..

Monday, July 12, 2010


They are very common , only this time I was successful in getting them in open.


The discarded cicada skin was found on the tree next to where I photographed the above.

Cicada Moult

It is well Camouflage. Not that tough to locate them when they make the loud sound, not an easy task if they are silent!

Cicada camo

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Rofous bellied Eagle..

Rofous bellied Eagle..
Originally uploaded by shivanayak.


We were approaching HanumanGundi, this raptor welcomed us. I could get few frames of this beauty, since I was not carrying any support I had to shoot this hand holding the lens.

Another fruitful Kudremukh visit, thanks to Diji and Dr.Krishi for the
wonderful company.

Rufous-bellied Eagle (Lophotriorchis kienerii) , a bird of prey in the family Accipitridae.

Rufous-bellied Eagles breeds in tropical Asia. They are resident in southwest and northern India, and east to southeast Asia .

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Monsoon moments 2010..

Joyful moments of Monsoon... 2010!

Loten's Sunbird.

Shutter hits in Monsoon

Tailor bird ..


Purple rumped Sunbird..


Grey breasted Prinia...

Grey breasted Prinia @ Karkala

Greater coucal..

Greater Coucal @ Karkala.

Magpie robin...


Peafowl female.. !

Monsoon calling..